Become a member

Join us

Membership of the Cornwall Dental Practitioners carries a number of benefits for both your practice and you as an individual.

Our high quality post graduate education is easily accessible to our members, and we achieve this by holding regular events with nationally and internationally renowned experts in both the clinical and business aspects of dentistry.

Members get half price tickets to any of our events throughout the year or often free-of-charge meetings including free staff places.

There is also the social aspect of being a CDP member. We are here to offer support and encouragement to each other and our events give us all a great opportunity to meet new people, make new friends and spend a few hours boosting our dental knowledge while also having fun.

We often receive generous sponsorship from dental companies for our meetings for which we are very grateful. If you would like to sponsor us please contact Ros Chambers.

How to join the CDP

We are always happy to accept new members, whatever their location or type of practice.

All we ask is that you should have high standards in the service you provide, be a registered dental practitioner and be actively involved in post graduate education.

The cost of membership is just £15 a month, payable by standing order.

If you would like to join the CDP, please email our secretary Ros Chambers at